September 25, 2018

Coming clean to the CRA

A small-business owner, who has not kept up with their taxes, is concerned that their receipts and bookkeeping haven’t been recorded properly, and they want to know if a ballpark estimate can be made and submitted to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Since the burden of proof is on the company, the best advice is for them to hire a bookkeeper or accountant to go through their business records and recreate the books. In the event of a review or audit, any company estimating could be subject to paying significantly more without proof.

Key Takeaways:

  • After not filing taxes for a couple years, a small business wants to know if they can file late taxes through estimation.
  • Business owners are required to keep accurate records each year, so hiring a good accountant to get caught up is imperative.
  • File late taxes as soon as possible to minimize penalties and interest.

“By not keeping records, you are inviting CRA to do the estimating for you—and they will estimate high.”

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